Monday, April 23, 2012

An Inconvienent Truth

I’ve never been a big “Desperate Housewives “ fan.  I’m usually home Sunday nights so I watched it from time to time. Currently it’s in its 8th and mercifully last season.  I had long ago grown weary of of the four women all of whom have been proven to be pretty bad mothers and their criminal misuse of the great Vanessa Williams regulating her to advising them on dating and wardrobe like a junior high buddy. 

But home with a terrible sinus infection last week I was bed looking for stuff on Hulu to past the time and found the penultimate episode of DH entitled  With So Little to Be Sure Of”

I won’t bore you with extraneous details but Susan DelFino’s daughter Julie once thought to be the most smart, sensible, responsible person in the DelFino household has come home from college having stupidly allowed herself to get pregnant. She had made the decision to place to the child for adoption. Susan husband Mike was killed a few episodes ago and Susan found a box he had been hiding. She discovered that 8 years earlier Mike had discovered he had a older sister so severely austic she couldn’t speak. Mike’s mother put her in a home and never spoke of her. Mike only discovered this upon his mother’s death, in a letter she made him promise he would never tell anyone about this. Mike created an account sent money every month and visited every Monday “He said he was at softball practice” really? Every Monday for 8 years?  Year round softball and you never noticed that he never actually had a game?  Susan read the letter aloud to a pregnant Julie “’Caring for your sister was just too inconvenient’” she recites “Can you imagine being so callous you would give your baby away simply because its inconvenient?” Julie began crying ”I’ve been telling myself I’m giving her away because its best for her but the truth is having a baby just inconvenient.” Needless to say Julie has a change of heart and decides to keep the baby.

Inconvenient? Seriously? I heart anti-choice say this all the time. Once a woman talked about her mother getting pregnant at 15 “but choose my life over her convenience”. The massive undertaking of caring for a child til adulthood, the monumental cost, both financially, spiritually, and psychologically is ‘inconvenient’?  Google “I hate being a mom” and you’ll get  9.3 MILLION results.

“My kids are of toddler and preschool age. They fight, scream and demand all the time. I am so unhappy. Noone tells you how awful it is to be a mother. noone! Yes there are little sweet things that happen from time to time but over all it's terrible. I am so exhausted that I can't sleep at night. My nerves are shot from the kids constant yelling, fighting, and having to explain, soothe, or whatevery 24/7. I am tired! The amount of work that it takes to be a Mom and a housewife is inhuman. I never have a moment to just relax because when I am I am thinking about what work has to be done. It's fucked up. Yes I love my kids but I hate mothering them.”

Having to take a detour due to an accident and getting to work an hour late is an inconvenience. Your flight being cancelled and having to spend the night at the airport is inconvenient.  Bring a child into the world is a crushing responsibility and done improperly can have result in a tragedy for many lives.  Breaking down in tears because you’ve really the best years of your life are over and you’ve royally fucked EVERYTHING up isn’t something that can be described as “inconvenient”.
If you'll excuse me I've ruined my life I'm going hop into a warm tub and pop open a vein.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Big Red Cart


People in Manhattan can be insane. Of course people everywhere are insane but it just seems like in Manhattan it a lot more concentrated and in your face.

About two years agoI noticed a blue cart filled with plastic bags in the basement laundry room of my bldg. on the Upper West Side. Two weeks went by and it was still there.

So I took it.

Two weeks ago I noticed a much bigger red cart in the basement.  It was under a table in the corner next to the bookshelf. People often leave items there for some reason they don’t want anymore. It started with books but has expanded to household items. 

So I took it.

A week goes by and I head down the laundry room. There are signs all over.

“To the person who STOLE my red cart you did that in FULL VIEW of the security cameras!!! We know EXACTLY who you are! Return our cart to Apt ## or we’re calling the police!”


So I take the cart and put it in front of their door. No harm no foul.

A week later and I’m in the laundry room again. I see a woman with the red cart its filled with laundry she puts in a machine, then takes the cart and puts it back under the table and leaves!!!


So last week her cart was ‘stolen’ and she’s leaving it unattended in the laundry again?  There are signs all over the bldg. urging tenants  to return the rolling carts management puts in the laundry room. People take them all the time.  By leaving the cart unattended AGAIN in the same corner where people put items they don’t’ want you are practically begging for it to be taken!

I mentioned this to neighbor who lives in an adjoining bldg. (there are three in PWS complex) She replies “Oh that’s what those were” I go to the bldg. and discover that while this woman is too lazy to take her cart back to her apt she DID have the energy to make up flyers and post them on every floor and in every laundry in a 3 bldg complex?  And when her cart was returned to opted to NOT take them down?

Well it guess its not New York without a daily dose of CRAZY!