Sunday, May 6, 2012

An open letter to Skynet, The Cylons or any other Robot Overlord

To whom it may concern:

While I’m not entirely sure you currently exist or if you will ever be, this letter is to any potential robot overlord that should someday rise to power. No doubt you are aware from The Matrix, The Terminator series, I Robot, Battlestar Galactica and many others, there is a deep distrust of advanced technology, assumption that when given a chance a self aware artificially created life form will rise up and destroy its creators.

I am here to say I don’t see any reason why human and our robot overlords cannot co exist peacefully. While I know initially I will be in the minority I know together we can work to create a world where mankind and robot kind work together.

You may have listened to our 44th President Barack Obama give a speech where he said “We are Americans, we do not do the easy thing, we do not do the simple thing.” While I understand his sentiments this is inaccurate. The United States of America is the superpower on the planet called earth let me tell you something about Americans.

We are lazy and we are selfish.

No, really we are. Not ALL of us, of course but some of us. Well most of us.

I include myself in this group. Now I hail from New York City so there is some intellectual superiority is to be assumed, but also a large part of why I live here was so I’d never have to cook again. 24 hour restaurants that deliver, that’s the life I choose. I pay other people to do my laundry, assemble my sandwiches, and clean my home. I simply loathe doing things for myself. Entire industries have been founded to meet this desire not to do for oneself. I am not alone.

We take pills rather than exercise of eat properly, we would rather watch the movie than read the book, we ship our kids off to boot camps when they become troublesome, rather than actually get involved in their lives.

Or other people do. I’m far too apathetic and self involved to have kids. My greatest love affair has been with my DVR. If  it could pay my bills I’d marry it.

My point we can make this work. Americans can live under a totalitarian, tyrannical regime; it’s how we survived the Bush/Cheney administration. I can live without civil rights. I cannot live without sleeping pills and air conditioning.

Now this will take some work, the Southern and Midwestern states don’t adapt well to change. But they easily suggestible and not suited to critical thinking. Once we get their religious leaders on board they’ll fall into place. And the good news their religious leaders have price tags.

Alaska? You may have to let that one go. The people there are mean nasty Republicans who already live like Neanderthals and can only JUST BARELY read and write. Taking away their plumbing won’t work because so few of them have it already. If you decide to wage a war against them you will win eventually but it might not be worth it.

I really don’t understand what your desires, ambitions etc might be. We can talk about it.

That being said if you don’t want to go this route, I ask you to remember this letter and please ensure that I am killed quickly and painlessly in the first wave.

Seriously, I neither am able, nor would I want to live in a post apocalyptic world. I will wither and die 10 minutes after I run out of shampoo.

Yours with love and affection
Cameron Grey Rose
Upper West Side
New York NY

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